There are 3 types of assets: Fragments - Z Pieces - ZHOUGHTS. In order to get a zhought, a new game must be started. For that a fragment is needed. Once you collect 3 fragments,.
There are 3 types of assets: Fragments - Z Pieces - ZHOUGHTS. In order to get a zhought, a new game must be started. For that a fragment is needed. Once you collect 3 fragments, you can get a Z Piece. Pieces cant be claimed physically. For that you must convert it into a zhought by Minting the original artwork. Once done you can claim either the zhought or any variation of it (pieces)
Digital Section
Z piece
Digital + Photo
Physical + NFT
The artist
The ultimate artwok form. Get a unique artwork print to display physically + the blockchain certificate (NFT)
There are 3 types of assets: Fragments - Z Pieces - ZHOUGHTS. In order to get a zhought, a new game must be started. For that a fragment is needed. Once you collect 3 fragments, you can get a Z Piece. Pieces cant be claimed physically. For that you must convert it into a zhought by Minting the original artwork. Once done you can claim either the zhought or any variation of it (pieces)